Baby Penny
Posted By pamelamyers on May 30, 2017
Putting Sam to bed is still quite the experience. She never wants to go to bed, and when she finally gets there, I still have to stay until she falls asleep, then, it is doubtful she will spend the night in her bed. I had hoped that if one of the cats stayed with her, it would keep her in her bed but, alas, she never stays put. The cutest thing happened this night, however. Penny came in and climbed into her baby cradle and went right to sleep! Sam was the happiest kid ever. I managed to quietly call to Mark to bring up the camera to get a few photos. I am so glad that Penny decided to hang out. It made Sam’s whole night. Her whole week, maybe! How cute is this cat?
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That’s so cute that Penny sleeps in the cradle.