
Posted By on June 25, 2017

Sam is pretty obsessed with the multitude of chipmunks we have in our yard. I mean, they are adorable. Today she had a few sugar donuts and one didn’t get eaten. I thought it might be sort of stale after sitting out, so I told her to put it outside and some squirrel or some other animal would likely eat it. She decided to put it at the base of one of our downspouts where the chipmunks always seem to be hanging out. They like to nap in there, and who knows what else. About a minute after Sam put the donut there, Chippy (as she likes to call them) came right out and started licking and eating it! It was so cute. She just about exploded with glee. She does love our little animal friends.

One Response to “Chippy!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I love ❤️ how Sam is such an animal lover.

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