The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far
Posted By pamelamyers on June 24, 2017
And my little apple unfortunately falls from a very snarky tree. It really is hard to remember sometimes that little ears do hear everything. I think we are always careful of the obvious things like cursing, adult topics, etc., but sometimes it is hard to remember to watch language that isn’t exactly inappropriate, but is well…not something you want mimicked.
Our neighbors that we share the driveway with were getting a new roof, and the huge dumpster had been delivered and sat for about a week before they started working. Every day I’d come home from work and there it would sit, empty. We were getting frustrated to say the least. The entire time it was there we couldn’t use our driveway. Well, I guess I snarked about it too much because one day recently we came home from my mom’s and as we were walking up the driveway, Sam commented in a very Me-like way that oh, look, the roof people didn’t come and then she asked me if the water delivery people were supposed to deliver that day. I told her yes, and she then told me, in again, a very Me-like way, that they didn’t come and then she yelled, “Isn’t anybody doing their job today?” It actually was pretty funny, but I tried not to laugh. The other day she commented on trash day, “Oh, look, the empty trash cans are actually standing up, that’s a shock.” Well, ok. I do complain — a lot — about how our trash men just throw the empty cans back on the curb where they then roll off into the driveway or street.
I guess I need to start watching what I say around the house. And the car. Have I mentioned my road rage and annoying drivers? Yikes.
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