Posted By pamelamyers on February 21, 2010
I posted about 2 months ago that Sam finally started laughing and it was the cutest sound ever. Is there a sweeter sound than a baby laughing? Samantha laughs so much now, it is almost too easy to make her do it. She is the happiest little baby around. She is just always smiley and giggly. Some of her favorite things to giggle about are doing chest bumps with daddy, Grandmom making funny voices, mommy eating her feet or kissing her belly, and MomMom blowing raspberries. Strangely, she also cracks up when I change her diaper sometimes. As I am taking her diaper off, I act all casual, then when I pull the diaper back, I quickly put it back on and act shocked and tell her in a high pitched voice that there’s a naked baby in there! Why this cracks her up, I don’t know. Anyway, watching her laugh is so adorable. Just like when she smiles, her entire face lights up. Her eyes crinkle, her grin is wide and her whole body just smiles and laughs. We just can’t get enough of it. A few days ago, I was playing with her and she was laughing up a storm. I was able to capture this with my phone. Hopefully, your computer has speakers. If it does, enjoy! It will make your day 🙂
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adorable!!! i finally got to hear her laugh:) we need to get the two of them laughing together.
I know, that would be awesome!
I agree–one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL sounds in the world; her laugh just cracks me up. I love it!!!