Sam’s New Ride!

Posted By on July 30, 2017

Today Sam got a new bike! Mark was trying to give me some peace and quiet, so he took Sam to ride in Manayunk. They rode the trail that we rode before and you can see, she was having a great time.

More geese to feed. Yikes. This kid is bird obsessed lately! She fed them all her goldfish and Nilla wafers that Mark brought as her snack.

You can tell she needs a new bike, especially from these pictures. She looks so big for her bike, but she has been a little reluctant to get a new one.

She was ready to go home, but Mark’s plan was to stop in the bike store to see what they had for her. We figured we’d get her a new bike for her birthday, but we had to start looking now. Mark said as soon as Sam saw this bike, she was done. She loved it! Apparently, they let her test ride it in a lot across the street, and the minute she got on it, she just took off!

Sam liked seeing her bike up on the mount getting tuned up, just like an adult bike.

This is one happy face. Mark called me to make sure I was ok with her having the bike now instead of for her birthday and I said, of course! Mark said she was so happy, that it would have been impossible to let her test drive it then tell her she couldn’t ride it until the end of September. We did tell her though, that it is her birthday gift, and she is only getting some small things from us on her actual birthday.

They stopped for celebratory ice cream afterwards.

The minute she got home, she just had to show me how well she rides. I will say, that bike was made for her. She goes faster, and longer, and can do so many more things. It even has a hand brake for her to start using instead of only the back pedal. We offered to put her basket on, but she said no. I think she feels like her bike is a “big kid” bike and the basket is not “big kid.” She’s so grown up in so many ways now.

Thank you, Daddy!

After dinner, we rode over as a family to St. Matthew’s, her old preschool, where she likes to tool around in the parking lot. One thing she quickly realized about her new bike is that it has black tires, and thus, her tires can make skid marks. She has been obsessed with the ability to do this since July 4th when Julia had her bike here and Mark showed Julia how to do it. This one was purely accidental – she was trying to not crash into me – but boy, was she happy as a clam! Her first skid!

Enjoy your new ride, Samantha! To think, only a few months ago you were crying about getting your training wheels off, now look at you go!

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