You just can’t uncute that face!
Posted By pamelamyers on September 19, 2017
As part of Sam’s Halloween costume (not telling what it is yet!) we want her to wear glasses. I stopped at Claire’s at got her a kid sized pair to wear and she is totally in love with them! She even wore them to school one day. It’s so funny, when I was her age, having to wear glasses was horrible! Now, all the kids want them, they even wear fake ones for fashion. Go figure. All I know is, if Sam does need glasses one day (and she likely will with Mark’s and my bad eyes), she looks adorable!
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Sam does look adorable with glasses. I was like you. I got my first pair of glasses when I was 9 and I hated how I looked in them. I couldn’t wait to turn 16 because that was the year I was allowed to get contact lenses.