The Tree! Finally, the Tree!

Posted By on November 27, 2017

Last night we got our tree up! Finally! Ok, ok, I know it’s not even December yet, but I am so ready for Christmas to come!!!! The cats were super excited. The minute we stood the tree up, Penny tried to climb in (and succeeded), much to Sam’s amusement. Zach is a little more controlled this year, thankfully. While we were decorating, they chilled out together in a chair. We think their red pillow is very Christmasy!

Sam’s favorite part, by far, is unwrapping all of our ornaments. She loves discovering what is in each packet of tissue paper. She was happy to find these! She told Mark she wants to make one more this year for her teacher. We have to find some wood circles, stat!

I don’t know how many years ago Sam made all these pipe cleaner candy canes, but we do love them, and hang them up every year.

Zach does like pipe cleaners, so….

This brings back memories….

Hmmm…where’s Penny? She’s hard to spy, that little devil…

Still can’t see her?

Let’s adjust the lighting a bit. There she is! Bad little kitten. 😉

Oh, Penny. You are not an ornament!

Sam helped Mark put up some of his birds. They always go on our tree. Memories of Germany…

Last but not least, the star! Sam loves putting it on top.

Ta da! Our beautiful tree.

But wait! We forgot one more ornament! A special bicycle for Mark this year.

Sam wanted to show off the electronic tree that she and her Daddy made last year. It still works! As if there was any doubt.

Oh Zach!

We’re ready!

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