Zephyr — Mommy’s Little Helper
Posted By pamelamyers on March 16, 2010
I just had to post a few pictures of Zephyr, who is quite the babysitter. She is so cute. Ever since Sam was born, she has sort of hung out where Sam is, spending a lot of time in the nursery and just generally being a good sport about not being the center of attention. We are really lucky that both of our cats have been so great to Samantha. I think since Muffin is gone, Zephyr has been a little more needy, and a little more lovable than usual. I think these pictures show it.
Babysitting Samantha, who is hanging out on her quilt so she can roll around.
Checking out the play gym to see what all the fuss is about.
Pack and Play Inspector, at your service! I couldn’t believe she jumped in there. She has never done that before. I am just glad Sam was with me!
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