Sam’s 6 month check-up
Posted By pamelamyers on March 26, 2010
Today we took Sam to the doctor for her 6 month check-up. She is just perfect, as usual! She weighs 15 lbs, 3 oz now (6.889 kg) and is 26 inches (0.66 m). The doctor said her weight is great, right on schedule, but noted that she is pretty long — she is actually in the 59th percentile for length.
She starts getting fluoride drops now because there is no fluoride in our water and we want her soon-to-emerge teeth to be in tip top shape! As for solids, the doctor said I can try giving her 3 meals a day with cereal and fruit for breakfast, fruit and a veggie for lunch, and fruit, veggie and meat for dinner. (All meals being supplemented with formula, of course). She is eating solids, but nowhere near that much or that often so we are going to start stepping it up. She hasn’t had any meats so far, but I do have a jar of chicken (pureed – yuck) that I have been wanting to try, so here’s my chance to see if she likes it at all.
The poor baby got 3 shots today but she was a real trooper. Mark came with us this time and I think it helped a lot. She cried after her shots, but with a big, immediate hug from her Daddy she stopped right away and even managed to smile at the doctor before she left the room. Her next appointment isn’t until 9 months, and no shots — yay!
Right now she is sleeping. She started to get a little cranky late this afternoon, so I gave her some Tylenol so hopefully she will sleep ok. Usually after getting her shots she has a bad night.
We are just so very proud of our little girl. 🙂
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She’s a trooper.