We have created a Chipoloholic
Posted By pamelamyers on January 15, 2018
Since we all had off for Martin Luther King Day, we wanted to do something as a family. We are always saying we are going to take day trips and do things and we never seem to. This time we were determined and we decided to take a trip to the Herr’s factory for their tour. It is supposed to be a really good tour, mostly because it’s one of the few left around here that is the actual factory instead of a fake factory tour like the Crayola one now. It was so much fun! The factory was very cool and Sam seemed to enjoy watching them make chips, pretzels and other goodies. The best part is when they pull freshly made potato chips right off the line and give them to you to eat. So good! Sam had so many chips, it was crazy. The look on her face when she bit into a warm potato chip was awesome. As you can imagine, we bought a ton of snacks at the gift shop to take home (and Sam got a few other little things too, of course).
You can’t take pictures inside but we took one outside before going in. Totally worth the ride!
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