Posted By pamelamyers on January 27, 2018
We have never really been a gaming household, unless you count Kindle games and things like that. We have never had any sort of game console and weren’t really planning on getting one either. I never had video games as a kid and I know Mark did, but he never seemed like he was into getting anything new. The only thing that sort of changed that was that last Christmas (not the one that just passed), Nintendo came out with this “retro” console that had some old school games built in. It was amazingly cheap, which meant of course, you could not find it anywhere. I searched and searched because Mark wanted one for Christmas. Did I say you couldn’t find one anywhere? Oh, that’s not true. If you wanted to pay over $200.00 for a console that retailed for $59.95. No thank you. It seemed like a limited run thing because I assumed I’d be able to buy one after Christmas but they never appeared in stores. This Christmas I thought maybe I could find one somewhere since all the hulabaloo died down. No such luck. I did manage to find a cheap Chinese knockoff on ebay that had most of the games, but not Zelda, which was one of Mark’s favorites when he was a kid. In the course of talking to a friend, I found out she had not one, but two, original Nintendo systems and a bunch of games somewhere in her attic. If she could find it, she was going to give it to me. Well, she found it! And she also had some of the games Mark loved like Zelda, Super Mario Brothers and Paperboy. Sam and Mark have been having a blast playing games! It is so cute watching Sam discover these games from the 1980s. Cracks me up. They look so dated compared to today’s standards but she loves them. She’s getting really good!
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