She’s rich!
Posted By pamelamyers on January 13, 2018
As part of cleaning out Sam’s room recently in an effort to make it more of a “big girl” room I convinced Sam to get rid of the giant Coke bottle container that she keeps change in. She agreed to go to the bank and cash it in. I had no idea how much money she would have but I figured around $50-60 or so. We went to our bank where they have a change counting machine and HOLY COW! The kid had exactly $140 (plus a few dollar coins she wanted to keep)! She’s rich! Now we need to open her a bank account. I thought she’d be begging us to spend it, but she loves the idea of having her own account. Hopefully, one day she will be richer than us and can keep us in the lap of luxury!
As a side note, she did agree to get rid of a few things like her tiny table and chairs and her easel as well as some toys she really doesn’t play with to make space and to make her room look more grown up. Progress! I have really been working on her to get her to understand that getting rid of old things makes room for new things. She’s finally getting it. It all comes with maturity I suppose. Baby steps, but we are cleaning out!
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