An Unexpected Visit from Sparkle
Posted By pamelamyers on February 8, 2018
Sam had her regular dental checkup yesterday which was a good thing. She has had a loose tooth since before Christmas that just will not come out. It actually got loose before the last one that fell out already! It is so loose that Sam can move the tooth completely horizontal and it won’t budge. She has pulled on it but insists it won’t come out. I asked the hygienist about it and she said she’d take care of it, and voila, she pulled it right out! Sam’s checkup went great, her teeth are healthy, but when I talked ot the dentist she told me that sometime in the next year or so we should try to see an orthodontist. I have known that braces are in her future because her teeth are so close together. There isn’t really anything to do yet, but the dentist would like a second set of eyes on her teeth so that as soon as they think intervention is a good idea, they will get started.
Sam left Sparkle a note, of course, this time on teeny tiny fairy post paper that came with a fairy door we just attached to her wall. She got some new fairies to live in the fairy house with Juliet and James recently and she wanted to know their names. Since it has gotten so ridiculously cold, Sam moved them all inside into this castle she has for the time being. I’m glad Sparkle found her friends!
As always, Sparkle left Sam a really nice note. Lucky girl!
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