
Posted By on February 24, 2018

Today we went to the Frostival, an annual event at Sam’s school. It is basically a day full of games and fun. As soon as we got there, Sam found her friend Alaina. She was so excited!

…and about 2 seconds later, she found her other bestie, Giselle. The three girls (who as you may recall were the subject of the hullabaloo over who is friends with who) actually traveled around  the Frostival together without any incidents and they had a great time.

Downstairs in the music room where the carnival style games are was the biggest hit. We spent a ton of time there. It is not surprising, I guess, considering that for every game you play you get tickets that can be redeemed at a prize table. You get at least one ticket for playing, even if you don’t actually win, and more if you do. We played some of the easier games a million times. What a shock. This maze one was impossible! Sam gave up after a while, but I love the look of concentration/frustration on her face!

There was a photo booth in one of the classrooms and a bunch of silly girls got…well…silly!

Sam and I had gone into the booth ourselves, then Alaina and Giselle went with Sam. So cute.

Sam wanted to do face painting and I luckily talked her into a simple design not one of the whole face ones. I don’t mind face paint, but ugh, what a mess the whole face ones make.

In the gym where the bouncy things were (it was so insanely loud in there it even turned Sam off), she found the Springfield Cougar!

On to mini golf…

The theme this year was the Olympics and the girls had to show off. We took a ton of pictures because they had to keep switching places so that everyone could be 1, 2, and 3. It took forever, but they had fun. Their principal came by and took their picture too because they looked so darn cute.

One of our last activities was spin art. Sam’s came out pretty well. She had a great time at the Frostival. It was a busy few hours, but totally worth it. I’m sure we’ll be going every year!

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