Look, Ma, no hands!

Posted By on March 31, 2010

She did it!  Mark and I have been helping Sam practice sitting up on her own, and yesterday was the first day she really seemed able to do it at all for more than a half a minute.  Well, today, she did great!  She sat on her own for at least 10 minutes I would say, and even righted herself a few times when it looked like she was about to topple over.  Here she is, looking very proud of herself.  We have been waiting for this day for a while now so that she could have more fun playing (she was getting r-e-a-l-l-y tired of laying down all the time, we could tell) and so that we could take more interesting pictures.  Look out!  Many, many photos to come!


One Response to “Look, Ma, no hands!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Congratulations, Sam!!!!!

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