Easter Activities Abound!

Posted By on March 31, 2018

Sam has really been excited about Easter this year. We have done pretty much every Easter activity I can think of, with the exception of Easter Bunny photos. Sam isn’t really that keen on seeing the mall Easter Bunny, and I can’t say I’m sorry about that.

Our first order of business was an Easter egg hunt. Sam really wanted to do one this year, and even though we have one planned on Easter at Krista and Adam’s house with Maddox and Ryder, she had already asked me if I’d set one up at home, so I did. The weather has been so weird, cold then hot. Thankfully, we had a day where it was warm (not shorts warm, but Sam didn’t care) so I was able to hide the eggs outside. I only hid 15, and she found the first 12 pretty quickly, but the last 3 she had a really hard time with! Mark and I were giving her all kinds of hints, but she wasn’t picking up on them.

By this point, she had absolutely no clue where the last 3 eggs could be and was getting very frustrated!

Ta da! Found one!

It was a pretty successful egg hunt, if I do say so myself.

I was hoping Sam would wait to dye eggs until the next day, but nope! She wanted them DONE! This year, instead of just using food coloring like we normally do, I bought a kit that was supposed to make marble eggs.

Sam enjoyed it and they came out pretty well, I think! Now, we just have to wait for the Easter Bunny!

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