
Posted By on April 21, 2018

I had heard about this Lego event called Brickfest that was being held at the Expo Center and had no clue what it would be like, but knew Sam would love it so we ordered tickets right away. Sam was so excited. You say Lego, and she’s there! From what we read, we knew there would be some events and exhibitions, but also a lot of vendors. A LOT of vendors. We went in telling Sam that if she wanted some minifigures or small things that was fine, but we were not buying any big sets. She loves mini figs so she was ok with that.

When we got there, we tried to check out some of the things to do first. There was a set up with about 5 inch square plates where you were supposed to build a design and then place it on the wall so that by the end of the event there would be a huge display wall. Mark and Sam made theirs first, then I made one too.

Here are our designs!

As you can see, we were very early to the game. There are a lot of spots to be filled over the weekend!

Some of the displays were really cool. Sam loved it!

One of my favorite exhibits was the Lego reproductions of art. It was amazing! Sam liked this one of Super Mario, which isn’t exactly a reproduction, but, hey, it’s art!

This was my absolute favorite. Can you believe this?

I wasn’t expecting the people dressed up but Sam thought it was great! She has never really seen Star Wars but she does know who some of the characters are and she knows her dad loves it.

R2D2 was zooming all around the place, but he did stop long enough for a photo. I am not actually sure how that worked….He looked so real!

Ghostbusters! All of Mark and Sam’s favorites. 🙂

These glow Legos were pretty cool. I am shocked Sam didn’t want us to buy some.

No glow Lego, but lots and lots of minifigures and this cool hat (which is holding some of her many minifigures!) We had a great time!

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