More musicals!

Posted By on April 22, 2018

Since Sam was so excited about seeing Mary Poppins Junior, she has been on a real musical theater kick. She heard about a production of Annie at a church around the corner (her music teacher’s daughter had a role), and she insisted we go. Annie is not one of my favorite musicals, but I was ok with going. I love musicals and if Sam likes them, that works for me! I actually still remember my grandparents taking me to the Annie movie when I was a kid. It sticks out in my mind for some reason.

The production was actually good. The cast was pretty talented and we had a great time!

Sam’s favorite cast member was this little guy…

I am really going to try paying attention to the local productions that the high schools put on now. The shows are usually pretty good, not too long, tickets are cheap, and anything musical that Sam likes, I am happy to encourage!

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