Let’s Roll!
Posted By pamelamyers on June 21, 2018
One night recently, when Sam was sleeping at my moms, Mark and I started talking about the house and I said that if I could do things differently, I would have. For example, I would have never hung that useless mirror over our fireplace, that does nothing but reflect the ceiling fan back at us. I would have put a flat screen TV there, and had our family room be Sam’s playroom. It turned into a much bigger discussion about how we don’t get any use out of our living room, which is insane since we are paying for the house and if we get no use out of a huge room in it, what a waste! Mark has been wanting to find a way to get music in that room, and after much discussion, we decided to completely update our living room. We never sit there other than when our Christmas tree is up, or we have a fire, and that was going to change!
We made a lot of decisions including getting a new TV, surround sound, recessed lighting, etc., and after the electrician was done, but before the stereo people came, we had literally one weekend to get the room and hallway painted. Sam was going to sleep at my mom’s the whole weekend so we could really focus, but before she went, she wanted to help paint. Mark showed her how to roll and although she thought it was hard, she liked it. She was not too happy to say goodbye to our orange walls, but she is getting used to our new look.
One of the new additions to the room was a pretty large rug, which the cats appreciate very much!
Here it is! There is a TV over the fireplace and a bunch of speakers, but this is what Sam helped to do. It’s our new favorite hangout spot in our house and we all love it!
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