Out with the old, in with the new
Posted By pamelamyers on July 27, 2018
Ever since we painted the living room and hallway, Sam has had the painting bug. She asked me if she could paint her room. Just the walls, not the ceiling because she still loves her clouds. She really wanted coral walls instead of green. I figured, why not, it’s been the same color since before she was born and she is entitled to her own opinion about her room. She chose coral because it is her new favorite color. She always said orange was her favorite and pink was her second favorite, and coral is really just a combination of the two so it makes sense.
She worked really hard painting and learned how to roll pretty well.
We moved her furniture around with the primary intention of giving her room for a nightstand, which she has really wanted for a long time. Now she has one!
Our other goal is to clean up her room a bit because she wants it less cluttered and more “grown up”. I bought her an over the door shoe rack to house all her tiny stuffed animals. It got a few bins off the floor. She loves it! She said it’s like a toy store over there. It certainly is…
We put up her decals, hung some shelves and it’s coming along really nicely!
Sam loves it and that is all that matters. She can’t wait to show it off to all her friends!
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