More teething troubles

Posted By on April 21, 2010

Poor Sam has had such a week!  She is teething really badly.  Since this weekend, she has seemed so uncomfortable.  She hasn’t been napping, she doesn’t want to eat, and she is waking up at night again. The worst part is that when she wakes up at night, she wakes up crying, which just breaks my heart.  She has never been a crier, but she has been crying a lot lately and it is so sad. 

Mark is away this week (home tomorrow, thank God!) and after taking him to the airport on Sunday, Sam finally fell asleep in the car.  It was the first she had slept all day and it was late in the afternoon, and she was exhausted.  She had only been asleep for about 20 minutes when I was approaching home.  I decided I couldn’t go home and wake her up, because as much as she needed to sleep, I needed her to sleep for my sanity!  So I drove around and around and around my neighborhood for over 20 minutes so she could keep sleeping.  I felt like a lunatic.  There were people outside doing yard work and I swear I passed some of them so many times that I think they probably thought I was casing their house!  My mom says anyone with kids would totally understand.  I am sure she is right.

I started giving her a lot of Tylenol, letting her chew non-stop on the frozen teething rings, and my mom got some baby Orajel, and all those things seem to be helping.  She only woke up once last night, and I honestly don’t think she was hurting, or even hungry, I think she just had to burp! She went back to sleep really fast, and then was a happy, smiley baby this morning when I went in to get her. She is so sweet.  Despite all her woes, she still tries so hard to be happy. She was giggling up a storm a few times in the last couple of days.

Speaking of giggling, I think it’s really funny that lately she has just started cracking herself up.  She starts laughing really loud at what seems to be nothing. I mean, there must be something she finds funny, but who knows what it is. She can just be sitting on your lap and then all the sudden she starts hysterically laughing and won’t stop. It is the cutest thing ever.  I love her giggles, especially when they are unprompted.  She laughs so freely, and so often and unexpectedly.  We are so lucky to have such a happy baby.  I just hope her teeth pop soon so she can go back to being happy all the time!

One Response to “More teething troubles”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Poor baby. Tooth pain is not pleasant, especially for a baby who does not know what is happening. Give her a hug and kiss for me.

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