Army Veteran Poppy
Posted By pamelamyers on October 15, 2018
Veterans’ Day is coming up again and this year, in addition to displaying pictures of family members who are currently serving or are veterans outside the classrooms, the kids were sent home with paper stars to decorate in honor of a veteran in their family. The stars are going to be hung from the ceiling all over the school. No pictures were allowed to be affixed, but the kids could draw or decorate any way they wanted. Of course, Sam wanted to honor her Poppy, who was in the army. This is her star:
I think it’s a wonderful likeness. 🙂 She didn’t know what to do with the back since the marker showed through, and then she found this black and white star stickers and put one of those on there. Sam thought it was appropriate since Poppy’s favorite color was black. I’m so proud of my little girl. She loves her Poppy and pays tribute to him whenever she can.
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