Sam and Her Kitties

Posted By on November 18, 2018

I don’t post many random pictures of Sam with her cats, but boy, does she love them. And they love her. They really follow her around and let her do pretty much whatever she wants with them. I love this picture of Sam and Penny all curled up on the couch. Penny never misses a chance to snuggle up with her favorite human and a warm fuzzy blanket.

Zach is a typical cat who likes to get in the middle of whatever you are doing. Sam and I were trying to play a game and Zach just would not stop laying in the middle of everything. Sam finally gave in and gave him a piece of his own. We rolled all his rolls for him but alas, he did not win. 🙂 Having cats since they were kittens is the best thing that could have happened for Sam. They love her in a way that Zephyr never could and she eats up every minute of it.

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