Mmmmm…french fries….
Posted By pamelamyers on April 26, 2010
Today we were eating dinner and Sam was sitting in her high chair. She looked so bored since she was done eating, that I felt bad for her. She is always so interested in what we are eating. I didn’t really have anything I thought she would want, but I gave her a small french fry just to see what she would do. She looked at it so oddly then, of course, like everything else, put it in her mouth. She sort of gummed it for a while and we watched her carefully to make sure she didn’t accidentally get a big piece in her mouth, but she seemed to be enjoying it. I took it away from her and sort of smushed it so the soft potato parts came out and just fed it to her with my finger. She liked it! So that was really her first actual, non-baby food. French fries. Not the most nutritious first choice maybe, but hey, at least it wasn’t candy. And potatoes are a vegetable! : )
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