Our Cats Are Rockin’ Their Christmas Gear
Posted By pamelamyers on November 25, 2018
Everyone in our house is a bit Christmas crazy, even the cats! Sam must have dressed them up a million times. You can imagine how thrilled they were.
Zach is happier just chilling with the Santa hats. They make very snuggly blankets.
He loves to hang over the step and this was just too cute.
Sam’s bed is always covered in stuffed animals and each Christmas she drags out all the Christmas ones. Since Zach is always cuddled up sleeping with her stuffies, he had to try these out too. Sam really loves that about him. I think the fact that he loves stuffed animals as much as she does makes them a special pair. Every stuffed animal has to get shown to him for his “approval”. If he hugs it, it’s ok, and if not, well, poor stuffie gets chucked off the bed. If you are not Zachy approved, you go!
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