Lessons in importance

Posted By on April 28, 2010

Last night I had the strangest dream.  I won’t get into the details, because it wasn’t a nice dream, in fact, it was about something that makes me sad.  Anyway, not only is the subject of the dream sad to me while awake, but *in* my dream, I was sad.  And I couldn’t shake the feeling.  Then toward the end of the dream, right before I woke up, although she had made no appearance before, Sam was suddenly in it.  And strangely she walked across the floor about 5 steps before tumbling over (strange because she can’t even crawl, much less walk).  She then, from her tummy down position on the floor, looked up at me and smiled like, “Hey, Mommy, did you see what I just did?”   And she made me smile and I needed to go to her in the dream and I had to ignore the sad, confusing thing that was happening off in the distance.   I think this was my subconsious trying to remind me not to dwell on the sad things, but to rejoice in the amazing, wonderful thing I have — my beautiful daughter.  So thanks, Sam, for being with me even in sleep.  I love you. 🙂

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