The Tooth is Out There…
Posted By pamelamyers on April 28, 2010
Sam’s tooth is finally coming! Today was the first day you can actually feel the little sucker (or biter – ha ha) coming through her gums. Everyone always asks me if I can feel it and said I’d feel it hard under her gums. Well, truthfully, I think her gums always feel hard, so I had no idea what an incoming tooth would feel like. Coincidentally, today Nerine said that you can feel it like a little sharp thing (thanks Nerine for the better info) and that is totally what it feels like! I can definitely feel a sharp, sort of roughness in the middle now. Today is the first day I have been able to feel something like that. I think one morning soon I am going to get her from her crib and there it will be. Yikes!
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