Jerry’s Surprise

Posted By on December 26, 2018

Well, you wondered what Jerry’s surprise was, didn’t you? Here it is! When Sam got her new camera, there were more than a few pictures on it. I guess Jerry was having a swell time before leaving for the North Pole with Santa!

Yeah, we know, Jerry. Getting the cats to sit still for a picture is impossible!

Those are not for you, Jerry!

Do the cats hear Santa?

Looking at Baby Ann’s list (Sam wrote it for her, obviously)!

I think Santa’s sleigh may be a slightly better way to get back to the North Pole.

That was NOT supposed to happen!

Saying goodbye to Barbie under the mistletoe!

Leaving Sam her note.

Clearly, Santa is here!

Now, really, Jerry. Is that how you fill a stocking?

Bye, Jerry! See you next year!

2 Responses to “Jerry’s Surprise”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Jerry is very cute.

  2. pamelamyers says:

    Sam picked his name. I hope you approve!

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