Ready to move!

Posted By on May 29, 2010

Sam is really getting ready to move! She has been working so hard on learning to crawl, and we have been trying to help her as much as we can by putting her on her belly and placing some of her favorite things just out of her reach.  Here are some pictures of her getting ready to go!

The first one is my favorite because she is making fish lips, which she just learned to do. I think it’s adorable.



In this last one, she had just sort of sat herself down.  Yesterday was the first day I actually saw her go from laying down to a sitting position on her own.  It makes things interesting, that’s for sure.  She never wants to nap now!  I used to lay her down and she’d eventually just go to sleep because what else was she going to do?  But now she just sits herself right up in her crib and says, forget this, I’m going to play!  Here she isn’t in her crib, she’s just on the floor, but she sat herself up to relax from all her practice crawling.  We like this pic because she just looks so classic (and very happy with herself)!


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