Tyler Arboretum
Posted By markmyers on May 30, 2010
Yesterday we broke in our new backpack carrier with a short hike in Tyler Arboretum. I’ve been going there ever since I can remember and it has some special significance for Pam and me. It was one of the first outdoorsy type of places I ever took her and in fact, I think the first photo session we ever did of each other was at Tyler.
Sam did really well in her backpack. She fell asleep in the car on the way over and was still sleepy when we got there but she enjoyed the walk nonetheless. We walked through the the main part where most of the people stay and out through the deer gate. Just beyond the gate there is a beautiful meadow that we have been visiting for years and I couldn’t wait to share it with Sam:
Don’t we look like a couple of happy hikers? That bench in the background is my favorite in the whole park, we always rest there whenever we hike at Tyler.
As you can see, it is a really big bench 🙂
I think it would be cool to photograph her on that same bench over the years, maybe even through the seasons. I think I’m going to do that.
She really had a good time sitting in the grass, grazing away, $150 a month on formula and baby food when we could just be feeding this kid grass 🙂
What a little cutie:
Thanks honey for a really nice day in the park!
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I love her shirt. These are adorable of course 🙂
She looks really happy. I love her hat.