Finally, veggies!
Posted By pamelamyers on June 22, 2010
As I think I have mentioned before, Sam does not like her vegetables. She is doing pretty well with eating her fruits, and as I posted before, she just started on Cheerios. But vegetables…no. She would take one, maybe two mouthfuls then clamp her little mouth shut so the spoon couldn’t go in again. It was getting really frustrating. Frankly, I was dreading her 9 month appointment at the pediatrician this Friday because they always ask me about her eating habits and how do I explain my daughter isn’t eating veggies? I do keep trying all the time though because what else can I do? Week after week I have been throwing away mostly full jars of veggies because you can only keep them for three days.
Last week I tried a new vegetable — summer vegetable dinner by Earth’s Best. It’s a crazy combination of a bunch of things — corn, zucchini, green beans, brown rice, carrots and garbanzo beans. She liked it! I was so excited. She ate almost half a jar with her oatmeal and never once made her blech face. I gave it to her for a few meals after that and every time she ate really well. Tonight I tried another Earth’s Best (she seems to like their flavor combos the best) — green beans and rice. I gave her plain old green beans before and it was not a good experience. Tonight she ate every bit I gave her, plus oatmeal, then she had even more beans — half a jar total! I was so proud of my girl. I think her taste buds have finally matured to the extent that she can handle the taste of things that are more complicated than “sweet”. Tomorrow she will hopefully finish the green beans, then we are on to the next veggie — let’s hope for the best!
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She will probably grow up to be a vegan.