Hangin’ at the pool

Posted By on June 27, 2010

This weekend we took Sam to the pool again.  We decided to buy her a swim ring so that we didn’t have to hold her in a death grip the entire time.  It is hard for us to have fun when we can’t let go of her the entire time, and Sam gets really tired of being held constantly.  She is such a wiggle worm all the time.  Ever since she learned to crawl, she just wants to move and she doesn’t tolerate being held for very long. 

I saw a kind that has a mesh seat in the middle for little ones so I bought her one of those.  I also liked that it has a sunshade since she is so fair.  Well, the verdict is in.  She LOVES the swim ring.  She didn’t know what to make of it at first, but once she realized that she was safe, and could move on her own, she took to it like, well…water (ha ha).  In the shallow end of the baby pool, she can touch the bottom with her feet, and she pushes off and goes sailing down the pool so fast!  It is adorable.  One minute she is right in front of us and the next she is 4 feet away and we are chasing her down.  Sometimes she lays back on one of the pillowy parts and kicks her feet up and just hangs out laying back like she’s in a lounge chair.  When I went to buy this at Target it was a nightmare shopping experience that I won’t bore everyone with but it was totally worth every second of annoyance in the store to see how much fun she was having this weekend.


In a couple of these, you can see her little feet hanging down.  She is having such a blast playing with her pool toys.



Here she is hanging out with me and her Grandmom.


Here we all are having fun. 🙂  I think we look pretty happy in our shades chilling in the water.


3 Responses to “Hangin’ at the pool”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    So wonderful to see all of you having such fun. Love Sam’s new swimming contraption:)

  2. Nerine says:

    OMG, she looks too cute. All she needs now is a glass of lemonade. lol.

  3. Mom says:

    This made me laugh out loud. I never saw anything like that swimming tube Sam has; that is so cool and she is so cute, you all look wonderful, love mom–can’t wait to go swimming with her.

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