Sam’s 9 month checkup
Posted By pamelamyers on June 29, 2010
Sam went to the doctor today for her 9 month checkup. As always, she is doing great! She weighs 18 lbs 5 oz and is 28″ long. She is growing right on schedule. The doctor and I discussed how she is eating, that she is crawling, and her sleeping habits. We both agree that as soon as this latest round of teething is done, she needs to be trained to stop waking up at night. I am going to work on that soon. She is definitely old enough to be sleeping through. I think she is waking up and wanting food purely out of habit now, rather than hunger, and that’s probably a lot my fault. She cries, I go in and give her a bottle because that’s what I’ve always done. Well, she is in for a rude awakening because I am ending that soon!
The doctor also asked me if she has made any mama or dada sounds yet (the answer is sadly, no…sigh), but I did mention that she likes the Ga, Wa, and Ba sounds. The doc told me that Ga is a hard sound for a baby, so it is good that she is doing a pretty difficult one and that mama and dada will come. I really think after we got home tonight she was doing some R’s, but I am not sure.
One of the last things checked were her teeth. The left top tooth is definitely in like I thought, but the right top one is still not through her gums. The doctor said it’s right there ready to break through. Soon, I hope!
The best news, in Sam’s opinion, is that she got no shots today. She only had a little toe prick so they could get a drop of blood to make sure she is not anemic, which she is not. She didn’t cry, which was good. She was more upset when her head circumference was measured — she hates having that tape measure around her head for some reason.
All in all, she is growing wonderfully, and the doctor said to just keep up what we are doing, give her more table food to help her along, and to keep up the good work! Her next visit isn’t until she’s a year old, which seems like far away, but I know it will be here before I know it!
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