Sam’s First Vacation, Part 3
Posted By pamelamyers on July 27, 2010
Yet another morning stroll, but this time I carried Sam. What was I saying about her being lulled to sleep? This was getting to be quite a habit.
And…again. Morning nap time. I swear, Sam did do things other than sleep on this trip!
Mark put her in the crib mid-nap. When she woke up, I snapped these pictures. I love her little bed-head.
This one cracks me up. She looks like she is posing.
Our little sleepyhead : )
One thing that Sam really loved doing on this trip is trying to climb the back of the couch. She actually got really good at it and could get all the way up to the top of the cushion. Here she is looking quite proud of herself for trying so hard.
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