May 7, 2009 — Level II ultrasound
Posted By pamelamyers on May 7, 2009
Today we had our Level II ultrasound where they basically take measurements of every possible thing they can, it seems. They look at and measure her heart, her kidneys, her spine, her head, her belly, the bones in her arms and legs, her nose, you name it. All in the course of making sure she is developing normally. We are happy to report that our little Sam passed with flying colors! She was actually measuring ahead of where she should be, due date wise, which doesn’t surprise me, as I have been saying all along that she will be born before September 25, in my opinion. She has always seemed to measure a little ahead at every ultrasound.
My mom came with us today, which was a lot of fun. I really wanted her to be able to see her granddaugher moving around and being active. It makes it so much more real than just seeing pictures. I think she had a great time.
Our sonographer’s name was Tabitha, which Mark and I both found amusing, as Tabitha is Samantha’s daughter on Bewitched (one of my all time favorite shows). Tabitha seemed a little disappointed that she wasn’t able to reveal our munchkin’s sex to us, but alas, we told her we already knew. She did confirm that we are having a little girl though, for sure. Here is the picture. You will have to trust me when I tell you that this picture is proof.
She was moving around SO MUCH, but Tabitha assures us she was very cooperative! She got every shot she needed without too much trouble.
Seeing the four chambers of the heart so perfectly formed was pretty amazing. The doctor who we saw at the end tried to convey to us just how amazing it is when the heart, which seems so big on the screen, is really only about 1/2″ big. Crazy, isn’t it? The heart rate was about 151 beats per minute, which is just perfect.
Here are some other photos, the first of her profile
And the next of her face. We could see her opening and closing her mouth at one point.
This one may be my favorite picture of today because, frankly, it is just so darn cute. Her little foot! I think she’s telling me she is a shoe girl already 🙂
Oh, and one last thing….she weighs about 14 ounces already – I can’t believe she’s almost a pound! The doctor says she should be about 10 inches now. No wonder I am getting so fat!
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