Happy Birthday, Zephyr!

Posted By on August 22, 2010

Today is our little girl Zephyr’s 12th birthday. I can’t even believe it.  In so many ways she seems like a little kitten.  I still remember the day we brought her home.

Like every year since she was one year old, I have baked her an angel food cake for her birthday.  She actually likes angel food cake, so it has become a real tradition.  This was the first year that Sam was able to come as Zephyr’s guest, so it was an extra special birthday celebration.  Sam’s present to her was that she tried to not chase Zephyr or touch her food.  It didn’t go so well, but I think Sam tried.

Here are the party pictures.




Happy, happy birthday, Zephyr!  You have brought us more joy than we ever would have thought possible.  We are lucky to have you.  We love you, little StripeyPants!

One Response to “Happy Birthday, Zephyr!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Such cute pictures. It looks like Same is trying to pet Zephyr in one of the pictures. I can’t believe you have had Zephyr for 12 years. She is a great kitty, even though she hisses at me when I visit!!!

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