Sorry honey!
Posted By markmyers on August 26, 2010
Pam and I put off buying a gate for as long as possible but the time has come. We liked letting Sam crawl all around the first floor and followed behind her happily but she is just getting too fast and too inquisitive for her own good. So, we gated off the space between the kitchen and family room. It is really hard to find gates for our circa 1938 era house. One doorway is only 24″ and the other is 92″! Of course, most gates don’t fit these sizes but we were finally able to find one for the bigger doorway, now we just need to find a solution for the smaller one.
Sam is of course not too thrilled with the new gate but is taking it in stride. I tried to get a photo of her checking it out today and in between some really pooky expressions, I got one really cute frame. Hope you like it.
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