Where has cake been my whole life?!

Posted By on September 24, 2010

Yesterday for Sam’s birthday I stayed home from work.  We had a pretty good day (except for the racing around in the morning dealing with the Similac recall!) and late that afternoon we helped Sam open some presents.  Here we are opening her gift.  I think she was  a bit confused by the whole thing, but I helped her out.


As you can see, she eventually got the hang of it.  She got a Taggie elephant from us (Taggies are stuffed animals with a bunch of ribbon “tags” all over them for babies to chew or suck on, which is what she does with every tag on every toy she has).  Zephyr got her a turtle car that she can play with either in or out of the tub.  Her big gift from us will have to wait until her party!


After dinner, we got Sam all ready for her cake.  Although her party isn’t until Saturday, we thought her actual birthday needed a cake too.  The “1” candle on the top is the same one we used on Zephyr’s 1st Birthday angel food cake (yes, as you all know, Zephyr gets a cake every year).  We thought it was cute that both Myers girls used the same candle. 🙂


We sang to Sam and she was just staring at her cake the whole time. A few times she reached her hand out for it like she was trying to grab the candle.  She definitely knew something was going on.


I blew out her candle for her, which she got a kick out of.  I didn’t realize she had such a cute expression until I saw these pictures later.


Mark helped her with her first bite of cake.  She wasn’t too sure about it at first, but then she dove in.


Yum yum yum yum yum!


So…the cake was a hit as you can see!  She certainly looks happy, doesn’t she?



Our messy little angel!  She had frosting all over her face and cake all over her hands.  It was quite a clean up job, but we were just so glad she liked it.  I hope she gets as big a kick out of her party cake on Saturday so everyone else can enjoy watching her eat it.  Happy Birthday, Sam!


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