Trick or Treat!
Posted By pamelamyers on October 31, 2010
Sam went trick or treating today, but mostly with her grandparents. Mark’s parents came over this morning to spend some time with Sam and to see her in her costume and to give us some time to get things done around the house. She looks so darn cute!
Later in the afternoon we went to visit my parents so they could see her in her costume too.
She was trying to be a very scary bear here by showing off her claws!
Trick or treating was a big success for Sam. Although she can’t eat candy yet, she did receive a nice packet of Teddy Grahams from our neighbors, Joe and Debbi, when she went visiting after dark. She came home and ate them sitting in her costume in the middle of our kitchen floor. That’s pretty much the only stop she made though, since once it gets dark, Sam is ready for bed! She is a bear you know, she needs to hibernate! Oh well, there’s always next year!
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Cutest bear ever!!!!
So friggin cute – I love it :))
Mark and Pam,
Absolutely love the picture of the three of you–absolutely adorable and soooo happy. love, mom