Simply Samantha

Posted By on November 17, 2010

Mark was home with Sam yesterday because my mom had a doctor’s appointment (unfortunately, she is having surgery on Friday to have her gall bladder removed). It was such a horrible, rainy, cold day.  Since they couldn’t go anywhere, which was Mark’s original plan, he decided what better way to spend the day than by taking some photos of his little girl.  Here are just a few of our favorites.  I think she looks so beautiful.  All the black really emphasizes her gorgeous red hair.  She is so unique in her appearance that we can’t help but always tell her how beautiful she is. Just as often though, I try to remember to tell her how funny, and smart, and sweet, and clever she is.  She is all of those things and more.  Everyone always tells me how pretty Sam is and how she could be a model, how she could be in commercials, how her photos could win contests, and that is all probably true.  But her beauty is such a small part of who she is, and to Mark and I, the least significant.  She is an amazing little girl who is going to grow up to be an amazing woman. I can’t wait to see how she turns out.  I do know she will make me proud.



One Response to “Simply Samantha”

  1. Debbi says:

    She looks beautiful.

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