Winter is Coming
Posted By markmyers on November 21, 2010
We have this lovely Japanese Maple tree in the front yard. It has deep purple leaves in the summer that turn to a vibrant red in the fall. It holds on to its leaves for a long time; when its leaves drop I know winter is almost upon us.
The Maple tree gave up its leaves this week so we went outside to play in them a bit before raking them to the curb. Sam was enamored with the colorful display and we had a fun morning rolling around in the brisk fall air. This photo is my favorite from the morning:
Here are a few other cute photos:
3 Responses to “Winter is Coming”
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Love the sweater. Looks hand made and Sam looks beautiful in it. Mark, I heard we are having a much milder winter this year, less snow and warmer temps.
I could do with less cold. Although, I do want some snow, I think Santa might bring someone a sled this year 🙂
Yes, we need at least one good snow for Sam. A sled would be a wonderful gift from Santa.