14 months old today

Posted By on November 23, 2010

Today Sam is 14 months old.  She has changed so much even since her first birthday.   There are so many things she does now that show me how big she has gotten.  Her personality keeps showing itself all the time.  She is a really funny little girl.  One of her favorite things to do now is shake her head “no”.  She doesn’t really mean no, she just does it because she likes it.  If you shake your head back and forth with her, she laughs and laughs.  She really loves it when you imitate her.  She thinks it is the funniest thing ever.  I have tried to get her to shake “yes” but she hasn’t quite figured that out.

She has been eating really well and trying more things all the time.  She has learned to like chicken and she really loves ham!  She also had pork and seemed to like it a lot.  I was worried because she didn’t seem to want to try any meats at all, but she definitely does now. 

One of the cutest things she does that really shows how big she is getting is learning to talk.  She says words, but none very consistently.  She will say them only when she feels like it, so to speak.  So far, I think she pretty definitely has said Cat, Diaper, Mama, Dad or Dada (no Daddy, just Dad), Yes, and Banana (which she sometimes calls Nanana).  She babbles all the time.  It is so frustrating because she is trying so hard to tell us things, and we have no idea what she is saying.  It will be fun to have real conversations with her.

I am looking forward to tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day.  Last year she was so small, but this year she will be shoveling turkey and stuffing into her mouth.  I can’t wait!

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