First Steps!

Posted By on November 23, 2010

Sam took her first steps today completely unassisted!!!!  I was in the kitchen throwing a stew together and Sam was nearby playing.  She stood up in the middle of the floor, which she has been doing a lot lately, and decided she wanted to get into the cabinet where we keep our pots and some of the things she likes to play with. She wasn’t near enough to reach the cabinet door, so she took one, two, very tiny, very tentative steps toward the cabinet until she was able to stretch out her hand to reach it.  I was so lucky I happened to look down at her when she stood up so I could see it.  Mark was working downstairs so I called up to him and when he came up, we stood Sam up on her feet and she took a tiny little step toward him.  It was so exciting for all of us (I think more so for us than Sam, actually).  We practiced with her a bunch more times and she took a few more steps but you could tell the whole effort was exhausting because she wouldn’t do it again after a while.  Her steps are super cute – so, so tiny that she is almost more shuffling her feet than lifting them.  You can tell she is just trying it out for size.  We are going to practice a lot with her over the next few days.  Maybe she will show off for her grandparents on Thanksgiving!  Go Sam!  Congratulations!!

One Response to “First Steps!”

  1. Debbi says:

    Yay, Sam. In a few days she will be walking around like she has been doing it forever!

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