Sam’s 15 month checkup
Posted By pamelamyers on December 29, 2010
Sam went to the pediatrician today for her 15 month checkup. She is 20 lbs 10 oz and 31 inches! Mark was sitting in a chair in the exam room holding her and she was standing up on his lap. As soon as the doctor came in he said, “wow, she’s really tall.” We know she is a tall baby, but I thought it was funny that as soon as he looked at her, he could tell. She is in the 66th percentile for height. As for her weight, she has always been in the low percentiles, and she dropped a little bit. She did gain weight, but she is now in the approximately 17th percentile for weight whereas she usually is in about the 25th. So, nothing to be concerned about, it is pretty normal for babies to slow their weight gain when moving off of formula and onto solid foods, as Sam did starting after her last doctor’s visit at 12 months. That being said, we need to make sure she keeps eating well so she doesn’t drop down any further. She also got some additional vaccines so she got stuck two times. Poor baby cried, as usual. Otherwise, the visit went fine and the doctor is very happy with her progress. She goes back in 3 months so we’ll see how she’s doing then, but I suspect she will, of course, be perfect!
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