Sam at play
Posted By pamelamyers on December 30, 2010
It has been so incredible this last week or so watching Sam playing all day long. Every weekend is so hectic that sometimes we just don’t have as much time as we’d like to just kick back and enjoy letting Sam be a little girl. Since we have been off for the holidays, it has been a blast! Here are some random pictures Mark took today of Sam playing with her new toys.
In this first one, I love the expression on her face. You wouldn’t know it unless I told you, but she is trying really hard to smile for Mark but she has a mouth stuffed full of Christmas cookie so she can’t.
Here she is playing with the crocodile toy that her Mom Mom bought her. She really loves putting the pieces inside and then looking in the crocodile’s mouth to find them.
Sam had such a great day. She just played with us and giggled all day long. She is getting to be so funny now. She really has a definite sense of humor and she tries to make you laugh. My mom stopped over today to pick up her raviolis from our freezer and she was tickling Sam’s nose with the fuzzy cat tail attached to one of Sam’s books. Sam was laughing and giggling and then she started putting the tail to my mom’s nose to make her laugh.
Tonight, I took my slippers off and was sitting on the floor with Sam. I put them on her feet and she cracked up. I took them off of her, and of course, she immediately tried to put them back on her feet. You could tell she thought it was hysterical having these big huge shoes on her tiny little feet. And the other cute thing she has started doing involves one of her new toys, and cats. I mentioned previously that she has started meowing at Zephyr when she hears her meow. Her kitty keyboard that she got for Christmas purrs then meows when it is turned on but hasn’t been touched in a while, sort of when it is in idle mode. Each time it would purr and meow today, Sam would meow. By the end of the night it had gotten to the point where she would hear the purr and meow before the keyboard even moewed.
We have been looking at a lot of pictures of Sam lately from just over the summer, and from her birthday and can’t believe how much she has grown. Our big girl — she is growing up too fast! Mark and I keep reminding ourselves to slow down and enjoy every second. We are really savoring the last few days we have off before going back to work. We’ll miss you Sam, but promise that no matter how busy we are, we will find time to enjoy all of the little things with you. We love you baby girl!
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I love that her pj’s have kitties on them. Hope she grows up to be a cat lover too.
Sam has so many cat pajamas! She definitely loves kitties. She loves animals of all kinds, cats, dogs, you name it! We are teaching her to love and respect animals.