Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and…Samantha Myers?

Posted By on January 29, 2011

Sam loves the computer.  I think it’s all of the buttons to push that excite her more than anything, but whatever the reason, she makes it very hard to do any computer work while she is in the room.  No sooner do you pick up the laptop and here she comes ready to poke and prod and mess up whatever you are working on. I don’t know how she does it, but she has an uncanny ability to find key combinations that make Windows do things I have never seen it do before.

This is usually your first clue you are in trouble….

Her little sticky fingers always find their way onto the keyboard no matter what you do.

Hmmm…where did my webpage go?  Yeah, thanks Sam. I know the page is gone.  Perhaps she knows why it disappeared… 

Now that I have reloaded the blog, she is ever so ready to help again.  🙂

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