Oh my darling Clementine!
Posted By pamelamyers on January 29, 2011
Overall, Sam is a pretty good eater. Well, she doesn’t eat a lot, which I have finally stopped letting bother me (she has a little stomach, what can I do?), but the things she eats are pretty healthy. How many kids her age love broccoli like it’s chocolate, and eat a ton of fruits and vegetables willingly every day? Clementines have become an all time favorite since they hit the stores. Now that the season for them is coming to an end (I think) I don’t know what we are going to do. We have tried other citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines and she just isn’t into them at all. When she sees the case of clementines on the table or counter she gets so excited! Quite a few times a day she will grab one and hand it to me or Mark so that we will peel and cut it for her. Sam will eat a whole clementine in one sitting so easily. Here she is enjoying her snack.
I love how you can see her little mouth opening already, waiting to pop the food in.
For whatever reason, she found it hysterical today putting her foot on her plate. We kept trying to get her to stop because she was going to wind up all sticky, but you can see how well she was listening to us. Oh well, at least she ate the whole thing. So I had to clean up her foot when she was done, it’s a small price to pay for a happy, healthy, fruit eating toddler!
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