Our little Super Grover!

Posted By on February 20, 2011

Pam has mentioned her love for Hatley pajamas on here many times. Well, it turns out that recently they struck a deal with Sesame Street to make some branded toddler clothes! I tried to hide the credit card from Pam but to no avail. We love a lot of the Sesame Street characters but our mutual runaway favorite has always been Grover. Looks like Sam loves him too. 🙂

3 Responses to “Our little Super Grover!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I love Cookie Monster and Elmo, but Sam looks adorable in her Grover jammies.

  2. pamelamyers says:

    I bought her some Cookie Monster jammies for the summer!

  3. Debbi Plenn says:

    Yay. I am glad Sam has cookie monster jammies.

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