Taking time to stop and smell the roses
Posted By pamelamyers on February 21, 2011
Well, they aren’t roses, but still, they are flowers and that’s just as good. Mark didn’t post these pics from the mansion at Ridley Creek, but I thought they were so cute. Sam is making her cute little surprised face in a few of them. I just love that face.
My pretty little girl is so gentle. She always reaches out to touch things so softly. I have been trying to teach her to touch certain things gently by telling her “just one finger” and sometimes she gets it, sometimes not, but I am trying.
In other news, Sam hasn’t been eating all that well, and Mark mentioned her crazy on and off again naps. We finally figured out why — another tooth popped through this weekend. I don’t know why after all this time we never recognize the signs. We never would have guessed except when looking at some pictures Mark took of her this weekend, in one where she was laughing and her mouth was wide open, we could see her tooth. My poor baby. She has been waking up crying and miserable every few hours at night. The only thing that consoles her is being held so I have been spending a lot of time in the glider half asleep. Mark and I are both exhausted, but Sam is too and I feel worse for her than for us. Today she took a really long 2.5 hour nap, and she went to bed on time, so hopefully she will have a quiet night.
Other than her teething, she is doing great. Getting so big, and growing up so fast, and of course, the joy of our lives!
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I love that surprised face too!!