Sam ate clams!

Posted By on February 22, 2011

Since before Sam was born, my mom and I have been discussing my utter hatred for any type of seafood whatsoever, and how I sincerely don’t want to pass on that dislike to Sam. I really want her to like all sorts of foods I don’t like such as seafood, peanuts/peanut butter, and mushrooms.  We have been working on peanut butter, which she sometimes eats (mostly in peanut butter crackers) and sometimes not (on bread).  Today, my mom decided to be adventurous and give Sam clams of all things!  I didn’t even know this, but my mom likes breaded, fried clams.  She figured that since Sam has been eating tater tots, if she threw some breaded clams on her plate too, as long as everything was cut to the same size, Sam wouldn’t know the difference because everything would look the same.  Sam ate them right down!  Yikes!  I am so glad.  My little girl is branching out.  I am so proud. 🙂

One Response to “Sam ate clams!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Good for Sam. I like shell fish, not that fond of other kinds of fish, but I don’t think I even tasted clams until I was an adult!!!! I didn’t know you did not like peanut butter. I hope Sam learns to like it. Nothing better that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a large glass of cold milk. Yum.

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